
Picostat PST4B6F4

Picostat PST4B6F4 - PROMO

Picostat PST4B6F4 - PROMO

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Poltraf conference for the water and sewage industry in 2 months!

On September 20-22, 2023, we are organizing the QUALITY-WATER-WASTEWATER conference. This conference, dedicated to the water and sewage industry, will take place in Polańczyk on Solińskie Lake.

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Electromagnetic flowmeter - types and applications

An electromagnetic flowmeter is a device used to measure the flow of electrically conducting liquids. Electromagnetic flowmeters are widely used in the water supply and sewage industry to measure water and wastewater flow. They are also used in measuring the flow of technological water (e.g. in mines) or in the food industry (e.g. juice production, dairies). The device works on the principle of Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction and uses the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

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Pressure switch - a key device for controlling the pressure level in the system.

A pressure switch is a device that monitors the pressure in the system and automatically responds to changes in pressure, turning on or off devices depending on the set pressure thresholds. Pressure switches are widely used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems and other applications requiring pressure control.

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Our suppliers
and partners

We are a representative and distributor in Poland of the following brands:

  • Trafag AG

    since 1994

  • STS

    since 2004

  • Regin

    since 1997

  • Comac Cal

    since 2010

  • ION Science

    since 2009

  • In Situ

    since 2016

  • Systec Controls

    since 2023

  • Emerson Asco

    since 1994

  • Ode

    since 1994

  • Stiko

    since 2001