Panther - gas leak detector

Panther - gas leak detector

Panther can easily detect a wide variety of gases including: helium, hydrogen and refrigerants.

High sensitivity, stability and the ability to use in an electromagnetic environment

Thanks to the use of a new piezoelectric pump, the new Panther and Panther PRO detectors can be used in an electromagnetic environment, e.g. for helium leak detection in magnetic resonance imaging, where the magnetic field strength is very high. The new, noiseless pump ensures a constant flow of sample, which is why the device is characterized by high stability and fast reading.

The Panther Gas Leak Detector uses a thermal conductivity microsensor that is highly sensitive and provides quick detection of many gases, including helium, refrigerants and hydrogen.

Compared to its predecessor, the GasCheck detector, the new Panther is twice as sensitive in leak detection.

Simple operation

The device is easy to use. Just drag the detector along the area that needs testing at a speed of approximately 25mm per second. Once a leak is detected, check the area again, even more slowly, until the leak is located. After locating the leak, hold the device over the leak until the measurement stabilizes.

The Panther has a new intuitive interface and the color display is easy to see in all conditions.

Standard and PRO version

The detector comes in two variants - Panther and Panther Pro. The detector in the Pro version, unlike the standard version, has the ability to communicate with bluethooth and record data. The Pro version also has a flexible probe that allows the device to reach hard-to-reach places.

Documents to download



Panther_sensitivity chart

Panther_sensitivity chart

Panther vs Panher PRO
